
One of My First Schools-Upper Heath Creek School

I think I was seven or eight years old and we lived on this small mountain (hill) when school started that year.  It was very hot as August usually is in West Virginia and we had no new shoes to wear.  In those days, new shoes was not in our budget then or later.  If we had any sole on the bottom and a string or strap to hold them on...we had shoes. The school house was I think about a mile up the holler.  It was one room and hung from the side of the hill.  Under the lower side of the building we children would play on rainy days.  My very favorite game was to find a small mound of dirt with a little hole in the top of the mound.  We would squat around this very small mountain and call "Doodle Bug, Doodle Bug, come to your Mother".  For some reason and I have no idea why or how, but a very small little bug would come up out of that small mound of dirt and just sit there.  It looked something like a ladybug, but it was black.  I have no ...

Move to Salt Rock

One day my Mother decided to move again.  I don't remember the move, but I remember the little house we moved into.  This time it was sort of in a little cluster of houses sort of like a small village.  I can't remember how many houses, but there were several.  And we were not on top of a mountain or at the head of a holler.  This place was called Salt Rock, West Virginia.  Across the road in front of our house lived a girl just a bit older than me.  She became a very goo friend later.  In a larger house down the small road lived two boys.  They were twins and were very big and fat. Later I found out they were mean.  Now my baby brother Wink was big enough for me to take outside.  Someone had made a small wagon like bed with wheels for me to put Wink the baby into and pull him around.  I can't remember who made it for me, but I could now take him out for rides and play in the sunshine.  Oh what joy!  I felt so grownup...

Salt Rock

 I am still looking for a Christmas.  I don't know if there wasn't any or that we didn't have money to have Christmas. Or if there was some reason for me to forget.  Well, I will just keep on looking. We moved again.  We must have lived in the little house in Salt Rock all winter, because I started to school there.  I must have been about four and a half years old because my little baby brother is just four years younger than me.  I remember that there was some discussion about my being old enough to go to school.  The school house was not very far away from our house although we had to cross the railroad tracks to get there. The schoolhouse was a very small little building with one room.  I can't remember the teacher, except that  she was very kind to me.  I did not have a desk in front of me because I was excess and there was no real desk.  I can remember having to hold my tablet on my lap and trying to write on it.  This was...

First Home

Sometimes I feel completely at odds with myself, I just can't seem to get my thoughts to go along with the way I feel. I want to do something outside, or I want to be completely alone in the house.  I feel very reminiscent about some of my childhood experiences, so maybe I will write some of them down on paper and that will help me to see why I feel so very lonesome and blue. I remember one day in the heat of a very hot August in the hills of West Virginia where we lived when I was a child.  Our house was always either on the very top of a mountain or at the head of a dark and green holler.  My Father was a farmer when I was very small, but when I started to school, he left the farm and went away to work on the C & O railroad.  This left Mommie and six or seven of us kids at home to do what work that needed to be done. One holler I remember well was also after you climbed up a very steep hill, then you had to go around the side of the mountain and then almost hol...

Nero's Death

 As close as I can get in my memory, I was about seven years old when my first tragedy came.  It was also the same year that some good angel gave me my beautiful baby sister, who became my very own idol and comfort for many years.  She gave me a reason to live for many years. We lived on the very almost top of this little mountain.  A little further up on the mountain there was a very small cemetery.  On the other side of the small mountain was a big, big rock that was almost like a carpet.  It seemed to me to be as big as the earth and it had caves in it with lots of moss and the best of all thing for us kids.  It had lots and lots of "mountain tea".  Mountain tea is a mint like plant that tastes liike peppermint.  It has a very pretty blossom too.  The other things that little mountain had was lots of mean old snakes, but we had a dear friend who would always look around and clear out the snakes and who gave his life for us because of ...

My Friend Mary Lou, Many Moves and Tobacco Farming

There were times when I would dream of another world.  I do not remember where I got the though because we never had a newspaper or magazine.   I was the oldest of the last four children in my family and for some reason I became    almost the sole caretaker of my two small brothers and later a little sister and brother.  I guess the good Lord showed me how to do the things that I had to do because there was only one bad accident to one of my little brothers and he survived that to live many years.   On this little mountain where we lived we had some neighbors living down in the valley.  This family whose father worked for the county, I think.  Anyway they had a real nice house with curtains on the windows and rugs on the floor.  And most of all, they always had fruit and good things to eat and pretty clothes.  One of these children was a little girl close to my age.  She had beautiful red hair and very blue eyes.  I l...

Leaving the Farm

That was a very happy time in my life, but I am not sure what happened or why my Daddy decided to leave the farm, but I can remember my Mama crying a lot and one day she told us we were going to leave our farm.  She said my Daddy was going to work on the railroad where he would be paid real money and we would have a nice house and better clothes.  I do not remember the move, but I do remember the house and place we moved to. I was in luck-down the hill an on the main road to town lived a family with three children.  There were two girls and one boy.  Their house was wonderful.  They had a real front room with chairs and lamps and a rug on the floor.  Their kitchen had a big oven to cook on and a real oven to bake in.  Their Mama made wonderful cakes and cookies.  She woul give me and her youngest girl, Mary Lou, treats to picnic on and we had such good times with my little brothers that I still had to care for. We had a very small creek that ran d...