Beginnings Part 2

William Daniel and Anna Ralston Spears Baylous

My name is Juanita Fitzgerald-Mrs John Douglas Fitzgerald-formerly Juanita Baylous. I was born very early one cold and snowy winter morning on January 19,1916 in Cabel County West Virginia. My Mama gave me this information. I am one of thirteen children born to Anna Ralston Spears Baylous and William Daniel Baylous. 10 of us children survived to adulthood. I was number 6 in the age group. My Father was a farmer at this time and we lived on this little farm until I was, I think, almost four. When I was about four, or as close as I can remember, my Father sold our little farm and went to work for C&O Railroad.

The first memories I can find is this small house close to a little creek. There were big sycamore trees beside the creek and I have faint memories of the very large leaves from the sycamore trees. I remember also the little creek being very high and almost coming into our house. I will give you some of the memories on this basis later and I will try to capture them as best as I can.

Although I cannot find a memory of a Christmas, not a tree, not a gift or special food during my childhood days, I still have hopes that some day before I die I will find one. Although I have not found a Christmas, I have found some very interesting times and situations during my young life, some of which you may choose not to believe, but maybe these little stories will make you understand why I am me and the strange ideas I have sometimes. You may understand why I am so stubborn, and why many people cannot understand my way of thinking. My memories are sometimes a big surprise to me and I wonder how I survived and lived through some of the things us small children lived through. But they made me who I am and I know sometimes people think I am really weird, but my life as a hillbilly child won't let go, so this is ME. I hope you will enjoy this experience of my research, just don't pity those children. Mostly they grew up to be strong except for some trials with alcohol.


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