Hardships and Life

Maybe these memories will make me understand why and who I am now and how I survived so many hardships.  My memories are sometimes a surprise to me, but they have helped me to shape my life and made me understand who I am and why I am who I am.  Quite often some people think I am slightly weird and old fashioned, but my life as a hillbilly child just won't let go.   I hope you wil enjoy this experience of my research, just don't pity those children. Mostly they grew up very strong except for some who had alcohol problems.  The majority of my family became very will rounded persons and three of us are still living and walking around taking care of ourselves.  My oldest sister (who I can't remember unil I was about eleven years old and I can't remember why I just can't remember) is now 91 years old.  One brother who is 78 years old is quite well also. He is the baby I took care of at age 4 and was so sick then.  I have never made a million dollars  nor have I been famous for anything, but I have had a wonderful life and have helped to produce a very beautiful and productive. family. I have three very healthy, good grown up children, eight grandchildren and I think eight great grandchildren, with many more not legally mine except for love.  They are all kind, good and loving persons.  

My husband and I were marred for fifty seven years before he died and those were wonderful happy years.  They were full of very happy,  good times and left me with many memories to cherish. Some were sad and tragic, but they are mine to cherish.  They are mine to keep.  I have been well provided for by planning throughout life and have many many generous and good friends, so I consider myself quite a success.  My life before John was a long hard struggle and I had to work very hard to come to terms with myself.  I am absolutely sure that I had a loving guardian Angel along with me throughout my life all the way.  Now I wil begin with the beginning of me as best I can remember it.  It almost seems that it happened to someone else and I am watching a movie.  I have a few memories that I refuse to tell.  They are mine alone.


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