HerStory Juanita Fitzgerald

This is the beginning of a new adventure for me, but this is not my story. This is her story, Juanita Baylous Fitzgerald, told in her words. Grandma Nita, as she was known to many of us, lived a remarkable life. It often was a struggle at times, but her determination and grit grew a resilience and strength that she shared with the people around her. She was an original influencer who had a tremendous impact on the course of my life and who I am today. I know there are many others who could say the same. I was blessed with Grandma Nita and Pop when I married my husband Thomas David (Gadbois) Deeter. From the first time I stepped into their farmhouse on December 26, 1977, I felt accepted and at home. Grandma became one of my best friends. I could write volumes about Grandma and me, and I probably will insert some of my personal recollections as we go, but I want to stay true to the purpose of this blog. Grandma Nita was in the process of writing her memoir when she left this world. She was typing all the stories on her old typewriter (😉 if you knew Grandma, you know about her typewriter) and my Mother-in-law Linda (Pop and Grandma's oldest) ended up with the documents, with the intentions of compiling them all for the family to have. Life happens and the pages were saved, like a capsule in time, waiting to be opened. We lost Mom and Charlie years ago, and found Grandma's work while sorting through their affairs. I wish I could say we jumped right on organizing and sharing this buried treasure, but alas we didn't. It sat in a tote with all the old family photos until my sister-in-law Sherry Deeter came to help me sort through the family memorabilia this summer. It's hard to know what to do with the remnants of the past; will the younger generation even care about the things that our ancestors felt important to save? I don't know the answer to that, but I do know that Juanita Fitzgerald lived a life that mattered and I don't want her story to languish in a box in my garage. 

To my grandsons Colt and Jack: I wish you could have known Grandma Nita. She would have loved you like crazy and you would have had so much fun with her. She would have taught you so much and you would always felt her love and support, even when she was correcting the error of your ways! This project is for you, and all that knew and loved Grandma Nita. This is HerStory...



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