To My Wonderful Family: A Gift From God

 The rules your Father or Grandpa and I lived by worked for us and we had a very good marriage, even through our worst times.

1. We loved each other and trusted each other right from the start.

2. We told each to the other-                                                                                                              "If you can live with me and accept my sometimes strange behavior, I will live with you and accept any strange behaviors you may display. Neither of us is perfect-so we are starting out even!! I will always support your love of hunting and fishing and you can accept me being very stingy and my collecting junk-We will sometimes have differences, but we will talk about them-We will be mates forever-No matter how old and ugly we are."

3. We had many tragedies and came out stronger because of our love-We had love and trust.

I love you all-

Grandma Juanita

Juanita and John Fitzgerald

May the Promise you make on your wedding day to have and to hold forever bring a world of happiness your way as you go through life together.


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