
Showing posts from September, 2023

Early Times

Memories are sometimes very sad.  Memories are sometimes very helpful when you have to make choices.  I have some memories that I like to keep hidden, but I would not give up even the very ones that hurt the most.  I think my memories are the very substance that helped me to move from the backwoods of my first years to a moderately normal existence.  My first memories give me a glimpse of a small child peering through the bushes of a yard when a stranger approached.  We sometimes would go weeks or months without seeing anyone other than our family.  Us children when young seldom went to the store.  We never went to a church until we were old enough to go alone.  When we got old enough to go to school, we would go there and back and then the only other people we saw was the school teacher and the other children at school.  There was one old man who would come to our house about once a year.  I can't remember his name, but I do remember that he had a long white beard and he always to

Very Young

I am going to try to capture my childhood memories as best I can. And now is a good time to tell you that my Mother moved around a lot.  Sometimes she move twice a year-I can't remember why she moved, not can I remember the moves-I just remember being at a new place or back to the old place where we had lived before.  I cannot explain why this is so.  Before I get into the real background of my life, I will give you all some of this history as best I can remember. As I have told you, I was born in the hills and small mountains of West Virginia, near the gas wells and coal mines and among the hills and valleys.  Not far away were the coal mines and the train yards that my Poppy later worked for.  It was the coal mining country.  We always lived in a little valley or on the top of a small mountain or at the head of a holler.  A holler is a very large gully with trees and most always a small creek.  They are very pretty places and many small animals live there, especially quail famili

Hardships and Life

Maybe these memories will make me understand why and who I am now and how I survived so many hardships.  My memories are sometimes a surprise to me, but they have helped me to shape my life and made me understand who I am and why I am who I am.  Quite often some people think I am slightly weird and old fashioned, but my life as a hillbilly child just won't let go.   I hope you wil enjoy this experience of my research, just don't pity those children. Mostly they grew up very strong except for some who had alcohol problems.  The majority of my family became very will rounded persons and three of us are still living and walking around taking care of ourselves.  My oldest sister (who I can't remember unil I was about eleven years old and I can't remember why I just can't remember) is now 91 years old.  One brother who is 78 years old is quite well also. He is the baby I took care of at age 4 and was so sick then.  I have never made a million dollars  nor have I been fam


Now before we get further into this memory search, I will get to the real topic of my story. I will give you all some background of my young life.  It will help you understand my way of thinking, I hope. I was born in the hills and hollers of West Virginia.  There were coal mines, gas wells, many little mountains and what we called hollers with small creeks and valleys inhabited by quail, rabbit, squirrels and snakes.  This is or was very pretty country to us children. Most of the time our house was at the head of the holler or on the top of the mountain. Sometimes we would go quail hunting-we only followed the quails and tried to catch them.  We never did succeed, but our lives were filled with the success of our hunts.  We got to know them well. Sometimes we would find a snake or two, but we had to be very careful what kind of snake it was.  There were some of them that were very dangerous. I cannot remember ever catchin one of the bad ones.  I guess our guardian angel was with us ch

Beginnings Part 2

William Daniel and Anna Ralston Spears Baylous My name is Juanita Fitzgerald-Mrs John Douglas Fitzgerald-formerly Juanita Baylous. I was born very early one cold and snowy winter morning on January 19,1916 in Cabel County West Virginia. My Mama gave me this information. I am one of thirteen children born to Anna Ralston Spears Baylous and William Daniel Baylous. 10 of us children survived to adulthood. I was number 6 in the age group. My Father was a farmer at this time and we lived on this little farm until I was, I think, almost four. When I was about four, or as close as I can remember, my Father sold our little farm and went to work for C&O Railroad. The first memories I can find is this small house close to a little creek. There were big sycamore trees beside the creek and I have faint memories of the very large leaves from the sycamore trees. I remember also the little creek being very high and almost coming into our house. I will give you some of the memories on this basis l


 My name is Juanita Fitzgerald, formerly Juanita Baylous. I was born Januay 19, 1916 n Cobel county West Virginia near the head of a "holler" in a small house beside a creek.  I am one of 13 children-10 of us survived to adulthood. I was the 6th in the line. When I was 4 (?) my Mama started moving-2 years to 6 months was the longest she stayed in 1 place. I grew to 17 years in Cobel County West Virginia. A short part of that time was spent in Logan County West Virginia, where coal mining was the main way of life. Finally I graduated from Huntington High School in 1933. After many struggles with poverty and having learned survival skills against this poverty and humiliation-I finally graduated from high school. In 1933 I came to Vancouver-met a wonderful young man and married him in February 1934. We had 3 children who lived and one who died at birth. Now I have eight grandchildren-I think about 10 great grandchildren-haven't counted lately. My John died of cancer in 1990

To My Wonderful Family: A Gift From God

 The rules your Father or Grandpa and I lived by worked for us and we had a very good marriage, even through our worst times. 1. We loved each other and trusted each other right from the start. 2. We told each to the other-                                                                                                              "If you can live with me and accept my sometimes strange behavior, I will live with you and accept any strange behaviors you may display. Neither of us is perfect-so we are starting out even!! I will always support your love of hunting and fishing and you can accept me being very stingy and my collecting junk-We will sometimes have differences, but we will talk about them-We will be mates forever-No matter how old and ugly we are." 3. We had many tragedies and came out stronger because of our love-We had love and trust. I love you all- Grandma Juanita Juanita and John Fitzgerald May the Promise you make on your wedding day to have and to hold foreve

Quest for MEMORIES

Memories, my memories, sometimes they try to evade me and that makes me very sad. I think the ones that I have a hard time to remember are the ones that weren't so pleasant. But, I am going to try to find them all and then maybe I will feel better about my childhood, both the good times and the bad ones. Memories: How precious they are. Memories are your very own storehouse of valuable information when you need to make a decision or when dealing with one of the millions of problems you encounter during your life. Memories are treasures to either be stored away and to be taken out of hiding periodically and to be examined and used as an informational storehouse for yourself. You can use your memories when you have time for a long walk, or when you can't sleep at night. They come in handy too when a very boring conversation is being blasted at you. Just smile and nod and open you memory bank and remember something nice or if the person or thing is really boring and makes you feel

HerStory Juanita Fitzgerald

This is the beginning of a new adventure for me, but this is not my story. This is her story, Juanita Baylous Fitzgerald, told in her words. Grandma Nita, as she was known to many of us, lived a remarkable life. It often was a struggle at times, but her determination and grit grew a resilience and strength that she shared with the people around her. She was an original influencer who had a tremendous impact on the course of my life and who I am today. I know there are many others who could say the same. I was blessed with Grandma Nita and Pop when I married my husband Thomas David (Gadbois) Deeter. From the first time I stepped into their farmhouse on December 26, 1977, I felt accepted and at home. Grandma became one of my best friends. I could write volumes about Grandma and me, and I probably will insert some of my personal recollections as we go, but I want to stay true to the purpose of this blog. Grandma Nita was in the process of writing her memoir when she left this world. She w